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About Fox River Home Improvements

Mark Legawiec has spent the last 30+ years working in the home improvement industry. Realizing that 60% of his work was fixing what other contractors had done incorrectly, Mark thought seriously about going out on his own. His vision – to provide the highest quality of service and repairs to the people in his and neighboring communities. His entrepreneurial spirit caught up with him in 2019, when with the help of his family, he founded Fox River Home Improvements, mainly focusing on roofing and roofing repairs. Chimney inspections, chimney cleaning and repairs soon followed. Mark’s four teenage children were often by their dad’s side observing and learning. Today, those now young adults are still part of the Fox River team! As the needs of his customers changed, so did his business. Fox River Home Improvements now specializes in the repair and replacement of roofs, chimney inspection and cleaning, repairs and rebuilds of chimneys, as well as facias, soffits, gutters and downspouts, siding repairs, and even interior design! The mission: Helping communities maintain the homes you’ve worked so hard for.

Meet The Team

The man with 50 hats

Mark Legawiec

Mark has been in the home improvements business for over 15 years. He has grown a great amount of knowledge in just about anything home related. His family owned business strives to be personable & transparent with customers, while also valuing work quality and safety for everyone. On the off chance he isn’t working, he enjoys spending time with his lovely wife and kids. He loves cook outs and relaxing in their hot tub.

Certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America

Interior Designer & Home Stager

Kaitlin Legawiec

Kaitlin graduated from WCTC with a degree in Architectural Drafting and Interior Design. She would refer to herself as a home body which is where her love and dedication comes from when creating designs for her clients and their homes. She is down to earth and wants the best for her clients. She loves thrifting, working out, and playing board games in her free time!

Certified Chimney Technician
& Carpenter

Josh Legawiec

Josh graduated from WCTC with a degree in carpentry. He enjoys being hands on with all the work he does. He is very thorough with customers and is detailed oriented. Years ago he was just a helper for his dad and now he has learned to run appointments alone with his twin Nate. When Josh isn’t working he loves to ski in the winter and golf in the summer!

Certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America

Chimney Labor
& Office Personnel

Nate Legawiec

Nate is finishing up school and is projected to graduate with a degree in business at WCTC. Not only does he work hand in hand with Josh doing chimney labor, he also works behind the scenes. Nate helps with office work and phone calls. He has strong communication skills and is genuine with customers. Nate enjoys spending time with the family dogs and loves being competitive in a variety of sports.

What Fox River Clients Are Saying

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