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Chimney Sweeping & Inspection

Chimney sweeping is the process of cleaning the chimney to remove soot, creosote, and other debris that can build up over time. It is an important maintenance task that helps to prevent chimney fires and improve the efficiency of the fireplace or stove. In this article, we will discuss the importance of chimney sweeping and how it is done.

The accumulation of creosote, a flammable substance formed when wood is burned, is the primary cause of chimney fires. These fires are a serious hazard that put lives at risk and cause significant damage to homes. Creosote can ignite, causing fires that spread quickly to other parts of the house. Regularly sweeping the chimney can significantly reduce the risk of chimney fires and keep families safe.

Chimney sweeping not only prevents chimney fires but also improves the efficiency of the fireplace or stove. Soot and creosote buildup in the chimney can restrict air flow and reduce heat production. This results in an unpleasant, smoky and inefficient fire. Homeowners can ensure maximum heat production and proper functioning of the fireplace or stove by regularly having the chimney swept.

Chimney Video Inspection

A professional chimney sweep usually performs chimney sweeping safely and effectively using specialized brushes and tools to remove soot and creosote from the inside of the chimney. They also inspect the chimney for any damage or other issues that may need addressing, utilizing their training and equipment.

The frequency of chimney sweeping depends on various factors such as the frequency of use, type of fuel burned, and the condition of the chimney. As a general rule, homeowners should have their chimney swept at least once a year, but more frequent cleaning may be necessary for homes that use their fireplace or stove frequently or burn wood that produces a high amount of creosote.

To conclude, homeowners with a fireplace or stove must not overlook chimney sweeping as it is an important maintenance task. It helps prevent chimney fires, improves heating system efficiency, and ensures family safety. Regularly having a professional chimney sweep sweep the chimney guarantees proper functioning of the fireplace or stove year after year.

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Three levels of chimney inspections

A Level 1 inspection is the most basic inspection. In this type of inspection, your chimney technician will examine all of the readily-accessible parts of your chimney and ventilation system to check for damage.

Level 2 inspections will cover everything from a Level I inspection, but will also include inspection of accessible areas of the attic, crawlspace and basement, chimney interior and exterior, portions of the appliance and chimney connection and overall inspection for the proper construction of the chimney and flue. A Level 11 inspection will also include video scanning of the chimney interior.

Level 3 inspections are the most detailed type of chimney inspection. During a Level III inspection, a chimney professional will perform all the steps of a Level I and Level II inspection and examine concealed areas of your chimney where hidden damage or hazards are suspected.

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